Several MDU Resources Group companies were recognized by Liberty Mutual Insurance for outstanding, excellent and commendable safety performance in 2021. Liberty Mutual gives the awards to recognize ongoing, effective safety programs and initiatives that produced lower or much lower work-related injury/illness rates than industry averages.

The following companies received awards:

Gold Award
The Gold Award recognizes companies with a DART rate 80% better than industry average with a minimum of 200,000 labor hours.

  • Anchorage Sand & Gravel.
  • Desert Fire Protection.
  • ESI.
  • Knife River Construction — Northern California Stockton.
  • Knife River — North Dakota.
  • Loy Clark Construction.
  • USI Industrial Services.

Silver Award
The Silver Award recognizes companies with a DART rate 60% better than industry average with a minimum of 200,000 labor hours.

  • Knife River Materials — Northern Minnesota.


Liberty Mutual awards Commendations to companies that achieved a DART rate 50% better than industry average with no minimum labor hours.

  • Capital Electric Construction.
  • Connolly-Pacific Company.
  • Jebro.
  • Knife River — Montana/Wyoming.
  • Lone Mountain Excavation.
  • Pacific Northwest Oil.
  • Wagner-Smith Equipment.

Liberty Mutual provides workers compensation, general liability and auto liability coverages for many operations that are part of MDU Resources.

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