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Our Commitment to Integrity

We know corporate governance is more than meeting the requirements of the law. Confidence and trust must be earned.

Integrity is the cornerstone for our dealings with customers, employees, stockholders, suppliers, competitors and the communities we serve. There can be no exceptions or compromises.

We strive to provide timely and accurate information to stakeholders to establish realistic expectations about our company. Above all, we know we must operate with integrity.

The MDU Resources “Leading with Integrity Guide” is the foundation for our conduct as employees and a corporation. “Leading With Integrity” is the ethics, code of conduct and legal compliance program for MDU Resources.

MDU Resources Leading With Integrity Guide

Our Leading With Integrity Guide is the foundation for our conduct as employees and a corporation.

Ethics Hotline

Our ethics hotline provides MDU Resources’ employees, vendors, customers and other stakeholders a way to make confidential and anonymous reports regarding accounting, legal, ethical, human resources and safety issues.

Conflict Minerals Report

MDU Resources Group has evaluated its current line of manufactured products, or products contracted to be manufactured, for conflict minerals. This report documents the company’s findings.

Code of Conduct

Amendments to or Waivers of the “Leading with Integrity Guide”

The MDU Resources Group board of directors on November 12, 2020, approved and adopted the company’s amended and restated code of conduct. The code of conduct is applicable to all directors, officers and employees of the company and its subsidiaries. The company’s Leading With Integrity Committee evaluated the “Leading With Integrity Guide” in light of recent guidance from the U.S. Department of Justice. Revisions the committee made do not change the substance of the “Leading With Integrity Guide” but rather focus on improving readability and updates to company policies and practices relating to environmental, sustainability and diversity matters as well as antitrust and fair competition.

Leading with Integrity logo

Vendor Code of Conduct

Our Vendor Code of Conduct sets forth our expectations of vendors, including ethical business practices, workplace safety, environmental stewardship, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Corporate Compliance Officers

Compliance officers are available at each of our businesses to assist with concerns of potential governance, compliance or legal violations.

MDU Resources Group, Inc.
Adrienne Riehl
701-530-1091 or
800-437-8000, ext. 1091
1200 W. Century Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58503

Everus Construction Group
Tom Nosbusch
1150 W. Century Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58503

WBI Energy, Inc.
Melinda Steckler
701-530-1025 or
800-437-8000, ext. 1025
1250 W. Century Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58501

Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, Intermountain Gas Co., Montana-Dakota Utilities Co., Great Plains Natural Gas Co.
Kirsti Hourigan
701-222-7729 or
800-437-8000, ext. 7729
400 N. Fourth St.
Bismarck, ND 58501